Github Project Workflow
A little step by step guide
- Start your day, don’t forget to have a good breakfast!
- Have a look at all issues assigned to you.
- If no issues are present, have a look around in your projects if any issues look interesting to you.
- Prioritise (e.g. by date and importance), what you’ll be working on today. If unsure, ask in our Keybase chats.
- Ask in the issue thread or on Keybase for clarifications and missing resources.
- Work on the task. If it’s code-related, work on a git branch that contains the issue title and number in its name. Use useful commit messages and don’t forget to document setup instructions and comment your code so that a reviewer can understand what you have done.
- When finished, or if you need feedback, post your results in the issue thread or in Keybase and ask for feedback. Assign the issue to the people who should give feedback or request their review via the respective Github function.
- If feedback “More work needed –> step 4
- If feedback “ready for final review” –> Make a pull request and/or ask for a final review.
- If reviewer asks for more work –> step 4
- If reviewer is satisfied and has not closed the issue, close the issue (if applicable with a reference to the finished work).
Bonus: Create issues for problems you encounter on the way but cannot solve right now.
Further recommendations
- Nobody expects you to check your work mails more often than once or twice per day. So turn off those notifications and close your mail programme.
- Use Keybase/text/calls for time-critical communication.